The Father's Day Spiritual Bouquet Cards are available for suggested donation of $5.00 at the parish office. As a Spiritual gift, your father, husband, grandfather, godfather, brother, uncle, son or friend will be remembered in Masses offered in our church in Observance of Father's day.
While it is a welcomed sign of devotion to leave flowers before the Blessed Mother, we must ask that you please do not leave any glass or any unweighted plastic vases on the platform in front of the Blessed Virgin’s statute in the prayer garden. Unfortunately, the wind blows the over and we then have a dangerous situation with broken glass and plastic vases on the ground. Flowers may be left in a weighted plastic vase. Thank you for your cooperation.
We need a catechist to catechize one student, every Tuesday, for approximately 40 minutes. The catechist will be required to attend a one-time Protecting God’s Children Workshop as mandated by the Diocese of Metuchen. Please contact Dorothy Zmigrodski for more information or to volunteer