*Trainings will be conducted in the church
Required 8th Grade Parent Meeting on October 4, 2022 at 7:15pm in the Parish Center Cafeteria
The OLMV Book Club, now in it 9th year, will resume on October 5th. The book club meets every other month from October—June. If interested in becoming a member, please contact Dorothy at [email protected].
The Altar Rosary Society will be selling mums in the parking lot of the church after all Masses the weekend of October 8/9.
Adults - $10; Seniors (over 65) - $8;
Children (12 & under) - $5 Families of 4 or more - $25
3 varieties of pancakes (plain, blueberry & pumpkin) bacon, sausage, fruit bowl, sweet tray (mini danish, donut holes, etc.), coffee, tea, juice & water.
Proceeds to benefit the Knight’s ASAP Program in support of local pregnancy centers.
All are invited to attend this annual event on Sunday, October 9, 2022, gathering at the Our Lady of Fatima Church, located at 501 New Market Road in Piscataway, NJ at 7 pm. The presider this year will be Reverend Mariusz Eugene Koch, M.A., Spiritual Director and Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Theology at Seton Hall University.
Rosaries, candles, and handkerchiefs are available for a small donation. For information call Roberta at 732-245-9124.
October Gathering: Sunday, October 9, 2022
The 9-Week Monday evening Novena will begin on Monday, October 10th at 7:00pm in the Church. The Novena includes Adoration of the Blessed Sacra- ment, the Miraculous Medal Novena, Scripture, preaching on the Word, and concluding with the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. All are welcome.
A Retreat to the Shrine of St. Joseph in Stirling will take place on Wednesday, October 12th from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Please call Jane DeNardo at 732-469-2468 if you would like to attend.
Donations are Welcome! Anyone who would like to donate items to be sold at the parish tables, please bring your items to the school gym on Saturday, October 15th from 12:30 pm—2:30 pm. Proceeds go to Our Lady of Mount Virgin Chiller Fund.
No clothing or footwear please. If you are able to volunteer an hour of your time please call Patty in the Parish Office.
OLMV Altar Rosary Society invites you to join in a Public Square Rosary Rally on Saturday, October 15 at 12:00 noon in the Meditation Garden.
We pray for the intercession of Our Blessed Mother to beseech God to Save America from today’s chaos, immorality and social upheaval.
Our prayers are also offer in reparation for the sins and offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the conversion of the United States.
This year for Advent and Christmas, we are starting a new tradition here at Our Lady of Mount Virgin. In addition to our crѐche lighting, we will now have a Christmas Tree Memorial Lighting. We will celebrate the Christmas season by illuminat- ing the perimeter of our church with beautiful six-foot fresh cut Christmas trees with white lights.
We are offering the opportunity to dedicate a Christmas tree on behalf of a loved one, living or deceased, or for a personal family Christmas greeting. The trees will be affixed with a plaque containing the name or names to be memorialize. The cost to memorialize. The cost to memorialize one of the trees is $200.
The Christmas tree lighting will take place on December 10, 2022 after the Vigil Mass for the Third Sunday of Advent, also known as, Gaudete Sunday. There is a reason to rejoice! The birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is on the horizon.
This will be a great opportunity for our OLMV community to come together and celebrate the real reason for the season. There will be Christmas music, hot chocolate, and plenty of reasons to rejoice!
The number of trees is limited so please contact the parish of- fice to reserve yours now or if you have any other information
The Rosary is prayed every Tuesday and Thursday after the 12:00 noon Mass. All parishioners are invited to join in this most devout form of prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for peace and the preservation of freedom in the United States.
With summertime and vacation time upon us, please consider joining our parish online giving program. This is the safest and most convenient way to ensure the financial stability of the parish over the summer months when many of our parishioners are on vacation. You can make your gift payable on a recurring basis, so that you support the parish even while you are away. Remember, parish expenses do not decrease over the summer months! Making a donation is easy. Simply go to this link. You can select either a one-time or a recurring gift. Even though you will not be using envelopes, please make sure to include your envelope number when you sign up to ensure that you get properly credited for your donation.
Wishing you and your family a happy and safe summer! God bless.
Please make use of our Meditation Garden. What a beautiful spot to spend a few minutes with our Lord! Our Meditation Garden and Remembrance Walkway project is ongoing, and bricks can be ordered at any time. The next placement of bricks will be during the summer. Remembrance bricks are a beautiful way to remember loved ones or special moments in our lives.
All volunteers are reminded that if their volunteer work at the parish involves working with children, unless each child’s parent or guardian accompanies their child for the entire time, the volunteer needs to have been fingerprinted and have gone through the Protecting God’s Children program, and their credentials must be up to date and on file with our Safe Environment Coordinator at OLMV (Ms. Zmigrodski). Also, no photos that include children may be included on any social media website or platform or in any publication without the prior written consent of the parent or guardian. Many thanks for your understanding and cooperation
While online giving is the best and easiest way to make offertory and special contributions to the parish, many thanks also to all who use the offertory envelopes for making their weekly and special contributions to the parish.
Collection envelopes are currently sent out every other month to about 1300 families in the parish. This is far more than the number of families that actually use them. In order to cut costs and waste, we are in the process of discontinuing envelopes being sent to any family that has not used its envelopes since January, 2019. You should still retain your envelope number and use it whenever you add or make changes to online giving or make a note of the envelope number on the memo line of your check if you make a contribution by check. If for some reason you would still like to receive envelopes, please call Patty in the parish office.
The best way to support the parish is to enroll in our online giving program. Through this program you can determine your donation amount, select the funds or funds of your choice to which to donate, determine the method of payment, and set the frequency of payments (one-time or recurring). Many thanks for your prayerful support and generosity.