I would like to thank everyone from the parish who volunteered their time and talent to making my formal installation last Saturday a memorable experience for me and for the parish. These volunteers included the Knights’ Fourth Degree Honor Guard at Mass, as well as a number of members of the Knights of Columbus, and the Altar Rosary Society and parish staff who assisted with the reception. A special thank you to Fr. Lou for his kind words at the reception. At the Mass we had a gratifying number of altar servers who did a great job, including three server alumni. Bruce Mauro and our cantors did a great job with the music at Mass. Special thanks: to Patty Marshall for organizing and coordinating the reception; to Debbie Schurko and her daughter Nina for putting together the worship aid; and to Ann Butera for donating and arranging the flowers for the reception. I am grateful to everyone who contributed to this special occasion. I am honored and blessed to be your pastor. Please keep me in your prayers.
- Fr. David
Please make use of our Meditation Garden. What a beautiful spot to spend a few minutes with our Lord! Our Meditation Garden and Remembrance Walkway project is ongoing, and bricks can be ordered at any time. The next placement of bricks will be during the summer. Remembrance bricks are a beautiful way to remember loved ones or special moments in our lives.
On Sept. 24, 2022, the Diocese of Metuchen will conclude its year-long 40th Anniversary celebration with a diocesan pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. As we hope this to be a joyous celebration of our diocesan anniversary, we hope to have many Catholics from our diocese in attendance as possible, so please save the date and encourage your fellow parishioners to do the same. More information and materials will be forthcoming.
All volunteers are reminded that if their volunteer work at the parish involves working with children, unless each child’s parent or guardian accompanies their child for the entire time, the volunteer needs to have been fingerprinted and have gone through the Protecting God’s Children program, and their credentials must be up to date and on file with our Safe Environment Coordinator at OLMV (Ms. Zmigrodski). Also, no photos that include children may be included on any social media website or platform or in any publication without the prior written consent of the parent or guardian. Many thanks for your understanding and cooperation
Many thanks to those parishioners who give online. Online giving, especially donations made on a recurring basis, provide the surest and most dependable financial support for the parish. If you give online, please advise the parish office to discontinue your envelopes, as they cost the parish valuable funds to maintain. If you give online and would like something to put in the collection basket, there are special envelopes available in the parish office for your use. Also, you can print out an online giving slip that is available here.
The best way to support the parish is to enroll in our online giving program. Through this program you can determine your donation amount, select the funds or funds of your choice to which to donate, determine the method of payment, and set the frequency of payments (one-time or recurring). Many thanks for your prayerful support and generosity.